Ant Recording and Visualization Tools
I also went to the Ant BoF session last night and it was a great discussion. During the meeting, I was wondering if there were any tools to help visualize or build out complex Ant scripts. My current scripts are small development level testing, but I may start using Ant more for deployments which means lots of operations.
Here are a couple of tools I ran across.
ANT Explorer by yWorks - an eclipse plugin that can help visualize your Ant script and see the dependencies. Unfortunately that's all it does. No build or recording functionality. It's located at -
Virtual ANT by Placid Systems - a stand-a-lone app that does have a basic recorder feature to help build out your ANT scripts. Not full feature yet, but it's a start. Also doesn't have the visualization like ANT Explorer has. Their url is -
John Mason wrote on 05/05/0812:05 AM
I've started working on something along those lines..