
Merlin - An AIR based ColdFusion Management System
Merlin is a ColdFusion management application that can control multiple CF instances. CF versions 7 through 9 are supported. With Merlin you can take setting snapshots, restoration and differential comparison. Merlin is based on the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) and is supported on Windows, Linux and Mac.

cfUpdater is a free and open source project and custom extension tool for the ColdFusion Administrator to make handling and managing ColdFusion updates easier. This tool is based on the CF Update manager found in my Merlin Manager project and runs off of the CF RSS feeds I manage. You can alter this to pull from an internal RSS feed if needed. This project also includes an auto updater which emails reports to you of updates it was able to install and others that you will be required to install manually.

CF Updates and Patches RSS Feeds
A list of RSS feeds routed through Google's Feedburner that you can use to get notifications on ColdFusion updates and security patches.

Portcullis - SQL Injection and XSS filter
A CFC based url,form,cookie filter to help protect against SQL Injection and XSS scripting attacks. This CFC can help filter input, strip tags and escape HTML based on internal settings. It can also log attacks and temporarily block future attempts based on a set time limit.

Thor - a CFC based Data Validator
Data validation is important one of the most important processes of any application because it prevents malformed or bad data from getting into the system. The problem is it can be a pain to manage and maintain. Thor is designed to make this process easier.

Stiletto - Silent server-side debugging
cfError helps catch exceptions or problems with applications. The problem is it can't show the steps the user took that led up to the problem. ColdFusion server debugging helps but it only shows its critical information to the end user and the rest of the world. What you need is the information from ColdFusion debugging organized by domain and client ip that can show the steps that the end user took. Stiletto captures the ColdFusion debugging output and logs them into files for you the developer to view. With Stiletto, you will have the ability to trace through the steps that the end user took and see the debugging information as if you were them. Plus, this debugging information is not exposed externally to the world.

Event Calendar
Event Calendar is a jQuery and ColdFusion scheduler that works a lot like the Google Calendar system. With Event Calendar, you will share calendar throughout your organization. Their is a simple user facade, that you can extend, to help control user rights.

Katapult - CMS
Katapult is a simple content management system built on ColdFusion components and the FCKEditor. There are no underlining database systems. Katapult was built to be very easy to setup and maintain. Navigation and pages are saved directly on the site in either html, xml and/or cfml formats.